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Eczema Treatments

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a skin condition with symptoms ranging from mild to severe and include dry skin, intense itchiness, and recurring rashes.

With our quick and easy consults, and fast delivery, now there’s no reason to wait for eczema treatment.

We help men with their health

Our mission is to get men the help they need without all the hassle, seriousness and sometimes social stigma.

Quick and easy consults
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Trusted medical experts
Australian Licensed
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3 easy steps to getting sorted!


 Answer some simple questions

Use our online form any time of day to tell us about yourself & the support you need.


Consult with an Aussie based medical team

For review and discussion of treatment options.


We’ll deliver treatments to your door

If prescribed, we’ll express post your treatments straight to your door every time they’re due.

Your treatment options

from $40 per month

Prescription Eczema treatment

Topical steroids

Applied topically onto the skin to control eczema-related redness, inflammation, and itchiness.



Our clinicians prescribe topical medications clinically proven to improve and relieve symptoms of eczema.

Eczema FAQs

What is eczema?

Eczema is an allergic skin condition that causes parts of the body to become dry, red, inflamed, and itchy. Eczema typically affects the hands, feet, insides of the elbows, and the area behind the knees. Severity can range from mild to severe. [1]

What are the symptoms of eczema?

Symptoms of eczema include:


  • Itchiness
  • Dry, red, irritated skin
  • Inflamed, discoloured skin
  • Rough, scaly, thickened patches of skin
  • Small bumps that ooze fluid (papules)
  • Swelling
  • General discomfort and irritation [1]
What causes eczema?

The cause of eczema hasn’t been determined, however current research suggests it to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Many people with eczema also have other allergic conditions, like asthma and hay fever. [1]

What can trigger eczema?

Common irritants that can trigger or worsen eczema include [1]: 

  • Having dry skin
  • Scratching the areas of the body affected 
  • Bacterial and viral infections
  • Emotional stress
  • Pets, animal dander, or house dust mites
  • Allergens that you can breathe in, like pollen
  • Smoke from cigarettes or a fireplace
  • Some fabrics, carpets, and bedlinens, especially woollen or synthetic
  • Some body products, like soaps, handwash, shampoos, moisturisers etc.
  • Household cleaning products and chemicals
  • Artificial colours and preservatives in foods
  • Perfumes, candles, and other fragranced items
  • Exposure to weather conditions
  • Sweating or exercise
  • Hormonal changes
How is eczema treated?

Despite having no cure, eczema can be managed with a treatment plan that helps to control, improve, and prevent flare ups. Depending on the severity of symptoms, your clinician may prescribe a treatment plan including oral medications, topical creams, therapies, and lifestyle changes. [2]


People living with eczema can also proactively manage symptoms by:


  • Maintaining and protecting the skin’s moisture every day by bathing and moisturising (even when you don’t have an active rash)
  • Avoiding known triggers and irritants
  • Treating flare ups immediately when they appear
  • Controlling and resisting the urge to itch
  • Staying alert for signs of infection

Eczema prevalence, reporting, impact and experience:

  1. Health Direct. Eczema [Internet]. Healthdirect.gov.au. Healthdirect Australia; 2019. [source]
  2. Kim JP, Chao LX, Simpson EL, Silverberg JI. Persistence of atopic dermatitis (AD): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2016 Oct;75(4):681-687.e11.